Player All-Star App

The player application for all-stars needs to be completed.  If selected for a team, all parents must acknowledge and check mark below that you understand the following:

  • A copy of the players birth certificate will be required 
  • A February and May Utility Bill for your current residence (This could change if they ask for something different)
  • If the manager chooses to play in other tournaments, it will be at the teams own expense 
  • All travel and accommodations are the responsibility of the parents 
  • The timeframe for All-Stars may run through end of July dependent on how far the team advances 
  • Please keep in mind, if your child is selected for an all-star team there is NO requirement for playing time in All-Stars.

Player All-Star App



Full Legal Name
Enter players full legal name
Birthdate of Player
Enter the players birthday (01/01/01)
Parent Email Address
Home Phone Number
What is the parent's home phone number?
Cell Phone Number
Street Address
Physical Address - No P.O. Boxes
Zip Code
Address Verification
To verify residency, a copy of your February and May utlility bill will be required.
Current Division
Current Teams Name
Name of your team for 2025 Spring Season
Player Expenses
Acknowledgement there may be other tournaments and travel accomodations that must be paid by the players parents.
Playing Time
Acknowledgement that there is NO requirement for the amount of playing time in All-Stars
Time Commitment
Acknowledgement that practices could be 4-5 days per week depending on age level
Representing EGYB
The player understands they are representing Elk Grove and our mission about sportsmanship above all else
Required Fields