Frequently Asked Question's

What are the boundaries to play in the Elk Grove Youth Baseball league? 
 Generally Elk Grove Unified School District boundaries and East of Highway 99.  To check a specific address, Click League Info, and then Boundary Check.
Why does it tell me my address is not in EGYB Boundaries when trying to register?? 
Our leagues boundaries are registered with Cal Ripken/Babe Ruth Baseball. Your player may still play in our league even if you don't live within our boundaries however, players who do not live within our boundaries (or attend school in our boundaries) will not be eligible to participate in the NorCal Cal Ripken All Star Tournament trail. Cal Ripken requires that you must play with the Organization whose boundaries you reside to be eligible for the All Star Tournament Trail.

What if I don't want my child to play up in a division, can they play down? 
 Players are not allowed to play up.  However, based on the player agent's approval (via email only) a child can play down in certain situations.  Please email: to request your child to play down in a division.

What if I want to coach with a specific person? 
ALL Coaches should reference each other in the enrollment field on their applications.  Priority is given to FULL coaching groups who submit their applications early.  Additionally, the player's registration needs to be paid in full before the coaching application is accepted. 

Can my child play for a specific coach or with their friend?
 Requests for specific teams MAY be granted in the Non-Competitive Divisions ONLY (Rookie/Single A).  All other players are drafted onto teams.

What is the player assessment, and what divisions does it apply to?   
 The player assessment is a brief workout for each player in front of the coaches of their division so the coaches can assess which players they want to draft.  The assessment is not for Rookie or Single A players.   Those teams are formed by the player agent without an assessment.   Players aged 8-12 will have to be assessed as well as 7-year olds that want to play in the AA Division.
What does the player assessment consist of?
 A brief session of hitting (~5 pitches), baserunning, and then fielding and throwing from an in-field position.   

What does the registration fee cover?
 Registration fees cover the player's uniform (hat, jersey, socks, and belt. In Single A and Rookie also includes pants. Pants are not included in AA-Major Divisions), umpire fees, field fees, insurance, baseballs and other equipment.

When will I find out what team my child is on? 
Competitive division drafts will be completed by the middle of February.  After which, non-competitive teams will be assembled and coaches will be contacting players by the last week of February.

$25.00 Raffle Ticket Fee: 
The $25.00 Raffle Ticket Fee is our primary league fundraiser and is included in the cost of registration. Families may choose to sell the $25 worth of raffle tickets and keep the money, or keep the tickets for themselves. In either case, the buyer fills out the ticket stubs and returns them to the league for entry into the Raffle drawing in May at our Annual Casino Night Event.  
$20.00 Snackbar/Volunteer Fee: 
 $20.00 Snackbar/Volunteer fee. Due to a lack of volunteers stepping up to help run the snack bar the league has adopted a $20 mandatory volunteer fee. This fee releases all parents from having to work snackbar shift.
Babe Ruth Certification:
In order to coach in Elk Grove Youth Baseball League, you must complete the Babe Ruth Certification.  The course name is Coaching Youth Baseball.  Click on the link to register and complete the course. Once you have completed your training you can upload your certificate to your account by following the steps in this how to PDF.

Are big barrel bats allowed? All bats must be USA Bat certified and bear the USA stamp.  USSSA stamped bats are not allowed.  The USA Standard includes some big barrel bats (2 5/8 inch) and small barrel bats (2 1/4 inch).  Both are allowed provided they have the USA stamp.  Please see the more information page for further information on bats.  

How do I upload a utility statement?
Utility statements are required by CSD to ensure field allocations to EGYB. Please click the following link to see more information and a how-to video on uploading a statement Utility Statement Upload
Where do I submit my players birth certificate?
If during your registration the system gives you a Birth Certificate Required warning you can bring a copy of the birth certificate to one of the two assessments in January and present it to a board member at the check in table or you can bring a copy to your coach at your first team meeting. A league representative will verify the birthdate in the system and return the copy of the birth certificate to you. The league values yours and your players privacy and does not keep copies of birth certificates. This is also why we do not have the online registration set up for you to upload a copy.  
Refunds (minus a $20 processing fee) will be issued prior to the draft. No refunds will be issued after the draft. How can I request a refund?  Please submit an email to requesting a refund.