Champions Division 2025 (Spring 2025)


The mission of the Champions Division and Champions Senior Division is to provide an opportunity for children between the ages of 6 - 17 years of age and "seniors" (18+) with cognitive or physical disabilities to play the great sport of baseball. This League is open to players in Elk Grove and all surrounding communities.  


The EGYB Champions Division teams players ages 6-17 years old, with "buddies" for an 8 game season that plays Sundays at Rau Park during the Spring Season. These buddies are volunteer high school baseball and softball players who donate their time to show the players how to and assist the players in playing baseball.  Our Champions Senior Division is for anyone 18 years of age and older with cognitive or physical disabilities to play the great game of baseball. This division is open to players in Elk Grove and all surrounding communities. This division will play at Rau Park on Sundays at 11am.



Player Expectations - To ensure a safe and positive environment for all players, coaches, volunteers and spectators, we require the assistance of a parent/caregiver for any player exhibiting behaviors that may potentially harm others, such as bat throwing, hitting, etc.  If your player demonstrates such behaviors, we will need you to assist on the field to help address and correct the situation promptly so we can maintain a supportive and safe experience for every player.  If a player continues to exhibit harmful behaviors despite intervention, they may be asked to leave to maintain the safety and well-being of everyone involved. 


Check out some of the highlights from the 2016 season:

Champions Highlights 2016


Champions Division Sponsors: