Uploading Utility Statements

Parents, if you have not done so yet, please upload a utility statement for each player you have registered in the League.  We need to use utility statements to verify % in boundary players for our field rental agreement with CSD. If you uploaded one last year please delete that one and upload a current one from this year.
1.  Your statement must be tied to the residence and should be one of the following types:
      SMUD, PG&E, Cable TV, Land-line Phone, Water, or Waste Collection, or Property Tax Bill
       Bills such as cellular phones, credit cards, car payment slips, etc do not qualify.

2.  You may ink out information such as account numbers and balances if you wish.
3.  Statements are very easy to upload with your phone by logging into your EGYB account and snapping a photo.   See instructional video here: